Category Archives: General

Scrivener – more than a word processor.

I have used many applications to write with but they all had one thing in common they were word processors. Writing could become a nightmare of switching between the text being written, source material, reference material, research notes and so … Continue reading

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Linux as XP Replacement?

I have been using Linux off and on since the mid 1990’s. In the early days it was very much a command line system with graphics being limited and hard to set up. Graphic front ends have come a long … Continue reading

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Free 15GB of cloud storage and 5GB bonus. are offering 15GB of cloud storage for free. I have been really impressed by the system.   There are clients for android, IOS Mac,  Windows and Linux. I am using the client to sync between Windows, Android and … Continue reading

Posted in Freeware, Fun Stuff, General, Internet applications | Tagged | Leave a comment

Getting Things Done

Perhaps the most complete system of organisation has been developed by David Allen, referred to as G.T.D. or Getting things Done, the system provides a framework for organising all aspects of your life. While being impressed by the theory I … Continue reading

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